2-ой любительский предвыборный ролик в поддержку Барака Обамы, кандидата в президенты США 2008 от демократической партии (против кандидатуры республиканца Руди Джулиани). Учитесь, российские политтехнологи! В главных ролях: Амбер Ли Эттинджер и Аделина. Поёт: Лиа Кауффман. OG: Let's go, Obama girls... Obama, I still want ya I'm waitin for my phone to ring I want you here ends up West Wing Obama, the vo-ote We're going to take the primary and then defeat Giuliani chorus GG: Giuliani, for President OG: Obama, gotta represent GG: Giuliani, Brooklyn sent him OG: Obama, as did your cuz GG: Giuliani, from the GOP OG: Obama, frippin Hawaii GG: Giuliani, take it to the street OG: Obama, shake it to the beat GG: Everybody get up on the floor It's Giuliani you adore I'm gonna be wife number four He warms my world just like Al Gore He's my man and I'll stick by him He won my heart reducing cri-em (crime) We're going to the White House this time There's nothing you can do about it, just back up OG: Giuliani Girl just stop your fussin At least Obama didn't marry his cousin GG: Giuliani's hungry for the war OG: The Bennets are the chemical very poor OG: The violence and Harvard Graduation "Dreams From My Father" for inspiration He's gonna be the man to change our nation Giuliani doesn't have a chance and that's what's up. (chorus) GG: Obama can't wrap the American flag OG: That thing is worse than Giuliana in drag GG: I still want Rudy Giuliani OG: I love my man like I love my coffee <b>...</b> Длительность: 3:10
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