Barack Obama is a pro- Obama song performed by Arlington, VA reggae band, JFC. The song celebrates Obamas platform, listing issues facing Americans, and Obamas commitment to addressing each problem. PURCHASE AN MP3 OF THE SONG: JFC is a multi-cultural roots reggae/soca/calypso band with members from the USA, Trinidad & Tobago, and Venezuela. *Obama photos from senate & public domain images Длительность: 7:45
It is for the first time in modern history, that the victorious army reaps such an unprecedented harvest of trophies. Georgian soldiers have just left all their new equipment to more reliable proprietors. And not only equipment - documents, video, photographs, technical documentation and even secret phone-call recordings... Enough evidences. By the way, have you noticed that suddenly most of them (at least, sane) had shut up about 'evil Russia', 'bloody bear', etc? Because it definitely smells trouble now. In this part: - small arms collection - Georgian army filmed itself before death - armoured vehicles and tanks - how Israel assisted in destruction of the Jewish district in Tskhinval - mobile command post full of electronics - photography as a second favourite hobby in Georgian army after killing civilians - radio-equipment and systems of communication and reconnaissance - air defence support by means of Ukrainian specialists and armaments. Длительность: 8:15
Скриншоты к видео Trophies 1 - Трофеи 1 - Epic Harvest in Georgia