среда, 23 декабря 2009 г.

суббота, 19 декабря 2009 г.

'Relationship between CO2 and global warming hardly measurable'

'Relationship between CO2 and global warming hardly measurable'Even if all developed nations restricted their CO2 emissions, it would only reduce the temperature by 0.07 degree Celsius by 2050 thats not even measurable, US Senator Jim Inhofe told RT, citing scientist Tom Wigley.
Длительность: 10:43

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'Relationship between CO2 and global warming hardly measurable'
Видео 'Relationship between CO2 and global warming hardly measurable' Video 'Relationship between CO2 and global warming hardly measurable' 'Relationship between CO2 and global warming hardly measurable'

пятница, 18 декабря 2009 г.

Судите сами 19.11.2009. "Вопросы времени" Часть 1

Судите сами 19.11.2009. "Вопросы времени" Часть 1В послании Федеральному собранию РФ Президент Дмитрий Медведев предложил существенно сократить в России число часовых поясов. Предложение Президента позволит существенно улучшить эффективность управления страной, но, по мнению многих, сокращение часовых поясов может привести к ухудшению здоровья нашего народа. Программа Первого канала «Судите сами» открывает общественную дискуссию, чтобы понять, насколько времена России касаются жизни каждого из нас
Длительность: 15:46

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Судите сами 19.11.2009. "Вопросы времени" Часть 1
Видео Судите сами 19.11.2009. "Вопросы времени" Часть 1 Video Судите сами 19.11.2009. "Вопросы времени" Часть 1 Судите сами 19.11.2009. "Вопросы времени" Часть 1

воскресенье, 13 декабря 2009 г.

Not Noble for Nobel? Anti-war rally urges Obama to Peace

Not Noble for Nobel? Anti-war rally urges Obama to PeaceAnd the peace prize was not enough to stop anti-war protests in Washington. Activists say while Barack Obama had promised the American people change and an end to wars started by his predecessor, in reality all they see is more fighting.
Длительность: 2:44

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Not Noble for Nobel? Anti-war rally urges Obama to Peace
Видео Not Noble for Nobel? Anti-war rally urges Obama to Peace Video Not Noble for Nobel? Anti-war rally urges Obama to Peace Not Noble for Nobel? Anti-war rally urges Obama to Peace

'Dead Hand' of Nuclear War: Doomsday Machine ready to press Red Button

'Dead Hand' of Nuclear War: Doomsday Machine ready to press Red ButtonReducing nuclear stockpiles may be the current trend in global politics, this wasn't always the case. There was a time when the United States and the Soviet Union were poised to do anything to gain the upper hand in a nuclear war - even if that hand was dead.
Длительность: 3:12

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'Dead Hand' of Nuclear War: Doomsday Machine ready to press Red Button
Видео 'Dead Hand' of Nuclear War: Doomsday Machine ready to press Red Button Video 'Dead Hand' of Nuclear War: Doomsday Machine ready to press Red Button 'Dead Hand' of Nuclear War: Doomsday Machine ready to press Red Button

среда, 9 декабря 2009 г.

Peace Prize for War President: Obama grabs Nobel

Peace Prize for War President: Obama grabs NobelBarack Obama has arrived in Norway to receive his Nobel Peace Prize - as the US prepares to send thirty-thousand more troops to Afghanistan, to regain momentum in the war. The prize was awarded in October, sparking debate as to whether a president who's been in office for less than a year is worthy of an honour which is traditionally given for long-term achievements. Some find the decision even more surprising as the US is still involved in two military conflicts - in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Длительность: 7:49

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Peace Prize for War President: Obama grabs Nobel
Видео Peace Prize for War President: Obama grabs Nobel Video Peace Prize for War President: Obama grabs Nobel Peace Prize for War President: Obama grabs Nobel