воскресенье, 18 октября 2009 г.

О Бараке Обаме

О Бараке Обаме"Надо устраивать пикеты у Белого Дома, а не Нобелевскую премию давать!" - Валерия Новодворская о вручении Нобелевской премии мира Бараку Обаме
Длительность: 2:53

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О Бараке Обаме
Видео О Бараке Обаме Video О Бараке Обаме О Бараке Обаме

суббота, 17 октября 2009 г.

среда, 7 октября 2009 г.

Robert Fisk reveals truth behind 'dollar demise' report

Robert Fisk reveals truth behind 'dollar demise' reportFamous British journalist Robert Fisk spoke to RT on his bombshell report, which caused the dollar to plummet. He says that the thunder of denials that the greenback is to be dropped in oil deals was expected, but the information he published was correct.
Длительность: 2:40

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Robert Fisk reveals truth behind 'dollar demise' report
Видео Robert Fisk reveals truth behind 'dollar demise' report Video Robert Fisk reveals truth behind 'dollar demise' report Robert Fisk reveals truth behind 'dollar demise' report

вторник, 6 октября 2009 г.

CrossTalk on Iran: Testing Wills

CrossTalk on Iran: Testing WillsIn this edition of the program we have a look at the evolving situation around Irans nuclear program and its alleged ambitions. Is Tehran extending its hand to the West out of weakness or strength? And can the same be said of Washington when dealing with Iran?
Длительность: 26:52

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CrossTalk on Iran: Testing Wills
Видео CrossTalk on Iran: Testing Wills Video CrossTalk on Iran: Testing Wills CrossTalk on Iran: Testing Wills

понедельник, 5 октября 2009 г.

Celente on dollar: America sinks with its gold

Celente on dollar: America sinks with its goldThe Independent newspaper has reported that Middle Eastern countries along with Russia, Japan, China and France are holding secret meetings to end oil trading using the dollar. So what does this mean for the American dollar and the future of the global economy?
Длительность: 5:09

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Celente on dollar: America sinks with its gold
Видео Celente on dollar: America sinks with its gold Video Celente on dollar: America sinks with its gold Celente on dollar: America sinks with its gold

Max Keiser: Dollar to be buried way before 2018

Max Keiser: Dollar to be buried way before 2018World's major powers including China and Russia don't want to 'finance' American military adventures anymore. That's the view of Max Keiser, finance critic and former stockbroker. He says China and Russia are interested in collapsing the US economy by rejecting the dollar.
Длительность: 5:41

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Max Keiser: Dollar to be buried way before 2018
Видео Max Keiser: Dollar to be buried way before 2018 Video Max Keiser: Dollar to be buried way before 2018 Max Keiser: Dollar to be buried way before 2018

четверг, 1 октября 2009 г.

Справедливость по Российски

Справедливость по РоссийскиКак это бывает справедливость по российски Действующие лица: Михаил Саакашвили (президент Грузии) Дмитрий Медведев, (президент России) Барак Обама, (президент США) Полковник Буданов, (полковник российской армии) Виктор Ющенко (президент Украины)
Длительность: 3:02

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Справедливость по Российски
Видео Справедливость по Российски Video Справедливость по Российски Справедливость по Российски