вторник, 6 ноября 2012 г.

Obama's Complete Victory Speech: Obama Wins the 2012 Election - SPOOF

Obama's Complete Victory Speech: Obama Wins the 2012 Election - SPOOFCLICK to share of FACEBOOK! bit.ly Click to TWEET!: clicktotweet.com GET AN ALPHACAT SHIRT and other cool stuff! alphaswag.spreadshirt.com Send me some MAIL! PO BOX 93894 Los Angeles, CA, 90093 PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOTE FOR ME ON DANCE SHOWDOWN for $100k!!! http #TEAMALPHACAT Please SUBSCRIBE to be notified of new videos! www.youtube.com Me on Deepak Chopra's "30 Days of Intent" Reality Show www.youtube.com Music by: The J Squad (Please subscribe!) www.youtube.com www.JsquadBeats.com http CAST: President Obama: Iman Crosson www.youtube.com Twitter: @Alphacat Business Contact ONLY: ImanCross@gmail.com Secret Service Kanec (choreographer) www.youtube.com twitter.com Jake Kodish Instagram "JakeKodish" www.youtube.com Mikey DellaVella www.twitter.com www.youtube.com Deandre Mays www.facebook.com Instagram "Deandre_mays" Written Shot & Directed by: Iman Crosson Produced by: Andres Delsol Production Coordinator: Sandra Varona TAGS: President Barack Obama Wins 2012 election re-relection Barack Obama Joe Biden Mitt Romney Paul Ryan Democrat Republican "Obama's Complete Victory Speech: Obama Wins the 2012 Election"
Длительность: 4:00

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Obama's Complete Victory Speech: Obama Wins the 2012 Election - SPOOF
Видео Obama's Complete Victory Speech: Obama Wins the 2012 Election - SPOOF Video Obama's Complete Victory Speech: Obama Wins the 2012 Election - SPOOF Obama's Complete Victory Speech: Obama Wins the 2012 Election - SPOOF

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