Странный синий дискообразный объект с двумя огнями на пару секунд промелькнул у монумента Вашингтона во время инаугурации Барака Обамы 20 января 2013 года. Но этого было достаточно чтоб попасть на видео с прямой трансляции и засветится в кадрах новостей Fox News. Длительность: 0:44
Скриншоты к видео НЛО наблюдал за инаугурацией Барака Обамы 720HD.mp4
www.shakira.com Being here today is a tremendous honor for me. I am thankful to President Obama and I am humbled that my philanthropic experience could be helpful in some measure and can be used to amplify the message and work of the President and this Commission. Latino youth are the fastest-growing group in America, and more Latino children are living in poverty than children of any other racial or ethnic group. For a number of reasons, young Latinos in this country disproportionately drop out of school and far too few finish college. And as I have seen in my own Foundation work, the only road out of poverty is education - of that I am convinced. Investing in the educational achievement for Latinos will not only determine the economic future and competitiveness of this nation, but can serve as a model for the world. I hope that through my appointment to this commission, I will be able to share what I've learned through the 15 years I have been involved in the education of Latino children. I am sure you will agree with me that race and ethnicity shouldn't be factors in the success of any child. It is my belief and its also been demonstrated that if we provide early childhood education to Latino children it would take less than a decade to reap the benefits since investment in early education is proven to generate the fastest returns to the state. With more ECD programs there will be less Latino students being held back, less dropouts and less crime involving school-age <b>...</b> Длительность: 3:24
Скриншоты к видео Shakira's Speech at the swearing-in Ceremony for the White House Initiative on Ed. Exc for Hispanics