Уходящая неделя была очень насыщенной политическими событиями. США выбирали президента. Барак Обама переизбран на второй срок. Демократы ликуют, республиканцы признали поражение. Длительность: 4:20
Выпуск от 15 мая 2011. Екатерина Андреева, Королева Елизавета II, Александр Лукашенко, Барак Обама, Хилари Клинтон, Сергей Лавров, Сильвио Берлускони, Карла Бруни, Роман Абрамович, Андрей Аршавин, Анджелина Джоли. Наутро после свадьбы Королева Англии обнаруживает дворец в полной разрухе. Длительность: 6:56
Скриншоты к видео Мульт Личности 21 серия. Свадьба Принца Уильяма
President Barack Obama's $3.8 trillion budget, while astronomical in comparison to previous plans, is aiming to spend wisely and keep those funds closer to Earth. (Feb. 1) Длительность: 2:06
Скриншоты к видео Obama Cancels Bush Moon Initiative
Ladies and gentlemen, your President is a robot. Or a wax sculpture. Maybe a cardboard cutout. All I know is no human being has a photo smile this amazingly consistent. On Wednesday, the Obamas hosted a reception at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, during which they stood for 130 photographs with visiting foreign dignitaries in town for the UN meeting. The President has exactly the same smile in every single shot. See for yourself — the pictures are up on the State Departments flickr (link below). And, of course, compressed into 20 seconds for your viewing pleasure. flickr.com/photos/statephotos/sets/72157622444106644/ Music is "Cold Hands" by the Black Lips. Go buy it now! bit.ly/gIvA2 Длительность: 0:22
Скриншоты к видео Barack Obama's amazingly consistent smile
The Swiss sunday newspaper "Sonntags Zeitung" used different kinds of media to cover the US elections with their "Babushka"-campaign. A cinema commercial resumed the era of Georg W. Bush. In the ad he is talking about the new world order During the pre-elections a revolving poster revealed the core of candidate Hillary Clinton. Finally, after Barack Obama was elected, a newspaper-ad analysed the situation of the new president of the United States. Длительность: 0:31
Скриншоты к видео Sonntags Zeitung: US Election Campaign, Bush