В Америке массовые протесты охватили всю страну. Такого масштабного бунта не было полвека. Митинги во всех штатах, во всех крупных городах, тысячи людей в отчаянии выходят на улицу. Длительность: 3:18
Controversial plans to build a Mosque just two blocks from the site of the 9/11 terror attacks in New York is causing anti-Islamic sentiment in the US Posters asking 'Why there?' have been posted on buses around the city. And as RT's Marina Portnaya reports, it's now a fight between freedom of speech and freedom of faith. Длительность: 2:40
Скриншоты к видео Ground Zero Mosque - Why there? Freedom of Speech vs Freedom of Faith
During his meeting with Russian Prime Minister Putin, President Obama promised to take Russias opinion about the status of the post-Soviet space into account, as well as to consider Russias concerns on missile defense. Длительность: 7:41
Скриншоты к видео Obama, Putin: from critics to friends?
Press Statements following Russian-American Talks.Part 3 July 6, 2009 The Kremlin, Moscow Совместная пресс-конференция с Президентом Соединенных Штатов Америки Бараком Обамой по итогам российско-американских переговоров. 6 июля 2009 года Москва, Кремль This starts with the reduction of our own nuclear arsenals. As the world's two leading nuclear powers, the United States and Russia must lead by example, and that's what we're doing here today. We have signed a Joint Understanding for a follow-on treaty to the START agreement that will reduce our nuclear warheads and delivery systems by up to a third from our current treaty limitations. This legally binding treaty will be completed this year. We've also agreed on a joint statement on nuclear security cooperation that will help us achieve the goal of securing all vulnerable nuclear materials within four years - progress that we can build upon later this week at the G8 summit. Together, these are important steps forward in implementing the agenda that I laid out in Prague. As we keep our commitments, so we must ensure that other nations keep theirs. To that end, we had constructive discussions about North Korea and Iran. North Korea has abandoned its own commitments and violated international law. And that's why I'm pleased that Russia joined us in passing a UN Security Council resolution that calls for strong steps to block North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile program. Iran also poses a serious challenge through its <b>...</b> Длительность: 9:13
Скриншоты к видео Д.Медведев-Б.Обама.Пресс-конференция.06.07.09.Part 3