President Obama's 'Four More Years' Becomes The Most Popular Tweet Ever ... President Barack Obama has won re-election. After the networks gave the presidential victory to President Barack Obama, his Twitter account sent out a few tweets talking about the victory. One of those tweets has been retweeted so much in the past hour that it's very probably the most popular tweet of all time. The tweet, a touching Twitter picture (#nofilter) of the President and the First Lady embracing, simply says: Four more years. At over an hour since tweeting, it's been retweeted over 350000 times and favorited 120000 times. It's pretty clear that as the night goes on, Obama's tweet will continue to get retweeted and retweeted. After 22 minutes the President's historic tweet, "Four more years" had already received 226249 retweets, the most ever, reports Buzzfeed. Obama's "Four more years" tweet had already racked up 303795 retweets after 45 minutes. Barack Obama's official Twitter account has tweeted the president's thanks. The most popular tweet of all time wasn't actually written by Obama though (he signs the one he writes himself with -bo). A Collection of Photos as President Obama was re-elected on November 6, 2012. November 29, 2012 One fascination in a presidential race mostly bereft of intrigue was the strange, incessant, and weirdly overfamiliar e-mails that emanated from the Obama campaign. Anyone who shared an address with the campaign soon started receiving messages from Barack <b>...</b> Длительность: 2:11
Лекция профессора, доктора политических наук Панарина Игоря Николаевича "Россия после выборов: Новая идеология Владимира Путина" в Нижнем Новгороде перед студентами Нижегородского государственного университета им. Лобачевского 21 марта 2012 года. Подробнее по ссылкам: ИГОРЬ ПАНАРИН - политолог, профессор кафедры массовой коммуникации и связей с общественностью Дипломатической академии МИД России, кандидат психологических наук, доктор политических наук, академик Академии военных наук, член Экспертного совета комитета по международным делам Совета Федерации. Автор и ведущий еженедельной программы "МИРОВАЯ ПОЛИТИКА" радио "ГОЛОС РОССИИ". Официальный сайт Игоря Панарина: Официальная группа Игоря Панарина ВКонтакте: Ассоциация «ИНФОСПЕЦНАЗ» в Facebook: Видеоканалы Игоря Панарина: Видеосъёмка и монтаж - Сергей Камаев. Рекомендуемые видеоканалы: Длительность: 77:11
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Controversial plans to build a Mosque just two blocks from the site of the 9/11 terror attacks in New York is causing anti-Islamic sentiment in the US Posters asking 'Why there?' have been posted on buses around the city. And as RT's Marina Portnaya reports, it's now a fight between freedom of speech and freedom of faith. Длительность: 2:40
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