Hundreds of anti and pro Ground Zero Mosque protesters have clashed in New York. The controversy of the community center build near the 9/11 terror attack sight has been heating up among the Americans. But as RT's Marina Portnaya reports some say there's much more to worry about in New York city. Длительность: 2:22
Скриншоты к видео 'Ground Zero' Mosque Protest: Evil Center or Blind Anger?
Controversial plans to build a Mosque just two blocks from the site of the 9/11 terror attacks in New York is causing anti-Islamic sentiment in the US Posters asking 'Why there?' have been posted on buses around the city. And as RT's Marina Portnaya reports, it's now a fight between freedom of speech and freedom of faith. Длительность: 2:40
Скриншоты к видео Ground Zero Mosque - Why there? Freedom of Speech vs Freedom of Faith
( Иранский президент вызывает Барака Обаму на диалог. Он хочет обсудить с американским президентом новые пути разрешения существующих разногласий между двумя странами. Длительность: 1:07
Скриншоты к видео Президент Ирана вызывает Обаму на теледебаты